Having decided to raise a puppy in your home as a family pet and enjoy his company, it is necessary that the home is well prepared to receive the puppy; this really means that you need to equip your home to make caring for the new puppy easier. Different breeds of puppies require different types of grooming and the steps involved are also not the same. For example, caring for a Chihuahua puppy is much more difficult to train and raise compared to the Yorkshire terrier puppy (called a Yorkie). You should educate yourself on the breed of puppy you are bringing and also purchase a book that provides details on the care of that breed.

Your puppy’s first night home

Puppies are animals that are used to a series of routines and when they go to a new environment they behave like fish out of water. When you bring the puppy home he starts to whine a lot because of the new environment of your residence and he will feel uncomfortable until he feels a connection with you and his surroundings. You shouldn’t punish them for whining; You should also realize that if you give them undue attention and hug them because they are crying, the puppy will use the crying as an excuse to get your attention in the future. One of the main requirements in caring for a new puppy is to have a crate ready to make it easy for the puppy to have a comfortable place to sleep.

Your puppy may cry a lot for the first few nights until he gets used to your home environment. In this period, the puppy should be placed in a comfortable place and this place is up to your choice. You have to use your discretion on this. They can sleep in their cage placed in their room or in a separate room. In these places you have to provide food and water. There are some dog owners who allow their puppies to sleep in their beds with them; however, this habit will be difficult to eradicate. In case you allow yours in your bed, you must make sure that your comfort is not sacrificed in this process until he becomes an adult dog. To make him more comfortable on his first night, you can use the rag or stuffed animal that the puppy wore when he was with his mother and the rest of the litter.

How to Protect Your New Puppy Care

For the care of a new puppy, you should provide the necessary crate or exercise pen that your puppy feels safe to explore with minimal supervision during the day. You should put the crate in a place where you can see what the puppy is doing and also the things that are going on around it on a daily basis. Like human babies, they have a tendency to put anything in their mouths; therefore, provide some chew toys for them to put in their mouths to chew on. Elements that could choke them should be avoided; electrical cables must not be left exposed.

Anyone new to caring for them will be overwhelmed by this; however, if you prepare ahead of time and also take the necessary precautions, you should be able to fix your routine in a short period of time. You should not be unduly stressed by this new responsibility. You should enjoy having the puppy around and take steps to meet the requirements of the puppy’s first few weeks.