Negative Scored Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) exams are the current trends for exams internationally. Some students fear the test pattern because the options seem confusing, complicated and risky, especially when the test preparation is not 100%. Here we will discuss some ways to improve scores for solving / deciphering the test based on multiple choice questions (MCQ).

Having passed three of the 20 most popular certification exams (Sun Java, Value Engg, PMP) based on the MCQ format, I have come to the conclusion that the MCQ tests are like a driver’s license test. These test drives are not about whether you can start the engine, step on the gas, and go. On the other hand, it is about the general understanding of the vehicle itself (i.e. the exam pattern), navigation skills (when to accelerate, when to slow down, to be in control at all times, to drive defensively), know all the symbols and traffic rules. The speed lane is only designed for passing (i.e. rush with questions only when essential), yield to vehicles when necessary to be safe (skip tough questions to save time), keep an eye out for potholes / obstacles / road moisture and slow down (i.e. be careful with difficult questions and don’t fall for traps / distractors), follow the directions of the test drive examiner fully (follow the directions in the question as to what is expected of us) and so on. Below are general tips on how to solve the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) exam:

Before the exam (during preparation)

1) Fully understand the exam pattern. Learn about all sections of the exam and be prepared after evaluating the negative exam grading scheme.

2) Understand yourself, that is, know your strengths and weaknesses. The strength lies in that he was able to answer the questions in less than 30 seconds right after sleeping during the preparation and the weaknesses in which he had a history of marking incorrect options even after contemplating the questions for 2-3 minutes.

3) Perfect the art of speed, correctness and flair. Learn a bit of probability theory to decide whether the chances of success in answering a question are rewarding or reckless. There is only a fine line that separates intelligence from recklessness.

4) The old is gold. Try to solve the quiz from previous years to understand the format of the exam and to increase speed, correctness and understand if your instinct is normally correct or incorrect. Previous year’s question articles can be downloaded from a multitude of online sources.

5) Please note that the MCQ format also assesses candidates’ differentiation skills. If one can develop the skills to eliminate one or two options out of 4 options, one is on the way to success. Even if you think that the correct choice is not one of the options, select the best option.

6) Few calculation-based questions can have shortcuts to solve them. Similarly, many of the theoretical concepts can be learned very well using memorization tools. Everyone can remember how easy it is to learn the rainbow color sequence using the acronym VIBGYOR (Violet Indigo Blue Green Yellow Orange Red). I had come up with a mnemonic list of about 50 such words to remember during my PMP exam with great success (e.g. APES stands for Identification of Alternatives, Product Analysis, Expert Judgment and Stakeholder Analysis and CEO stands for Collective Bargaining Agreements , Economic Condition and Structure of the Organization). Speaking of our brain, the strength of the signal they transmit is determined by use. The more a particular synapse is used, the stronger the signal it transmits. Therefore, regular practice is a must for this method.

7) Develop some time management skills during schooling as it will pay off handsomely during exams. Like seasoned cricketers stay on edge for a prolonged chase, learn to control the timing of your tackles correctly. Don’t save everything to the end, finish the exam 8-10 minutes ahead of time to do some sanity checks. Few of the MCQ questions on the exams are intentionally written to test whether candidates can handle the pressure of time. My trick for such questions used to be to read the last sentence of the question first to understand what is really being asked.

8) Learn some deep breathing exercises and do it every hour for 1-2 minutes during the exam. It will refresh your mind by supplying it with excess oxygen. Also, yogic breathing exercises have been shown to bring a positive attitude and one can maintain nerves well during the exam. For me, even praying worked wonders during exams.

During the exam

1) Read the question carefully. After reading the question, briefly close your eyes and think about what was written on this topic in your notes and in the textbook. Many times, reading the choices first can lead you to get wrong answers. The questions are formulated to separate the wheat from the husk (that is, in such a way that poorly prepared students are drawn to selecting wrong answers, also known as distractors). Distractors are very well written options that are never part of the exam syllabus.

2) You should first try to solve the problem as it is much faster than the elimination method. If you can’t figure it out, try removing a couple of options and then proceed to answer that question (if the negative mark is 1/4 or 1/3 of a correct answer). The probabilities of answering correctly are now more than a negative grading scheme (the probability of success with the elimination of one option is 33.3% and the elimination of two options is 50% for the 4-option exam). If all the options seem foreign to you, do yourself a favor by quickly moving on to the next question.

3) Make sure you read the end of the question, that is, words like Except, No, Never, Always. Remember that two negative sentences make one positive sentence. Choices using words like “always” and “never” are probably not the correct choice, however they confirm under what limited circumstances such words are not suitable for an answer.

4) Besides point no. 3 above, also note the end of the option if one of the options is ‘All of the above’ and ‘None of the above’. In a fast-paced world, we sometimes go too fast in selecting responses to later regret that speed shouldn’t come at the cost of correction. Realize that you have to drive within the “city limit” and not try to race on the “Formula One Circuit”. Take time to see if two options are correct, then it is most likely ‘All of the above’ and the same for ‘None of the above’.

5) Note that some answers (especially formulas, units, value of constants) to the problem may be available in other parts of the exam questions. This is quite true for online surveys where such things are difficult to avoid. They are like ‘extra races’ and you have to do them. Therefore, please leave these questions to review later.

6) A couple of test questions have options that almost look like “twins”, that is, two options are identical except for one word or one value. Most likely, in such cases, the answer is between those ‘twins’.

7) When you feel the question seems complicated or difficult, read it twice. If you think that the correct option is not offered because one of the options or two options appears to be correct, select the best option. Select the option that is most descriptive / qualifying and most related to the question. Look for grammar clues that match the question. If your question is in the singular, the answer could also be in the singular and the same. The answer should fully and directly address the question. In case the choice is only partially correct under certain specific conditions, it may not be the correct choice.

8) In general, try to try the theoretical questions first and then the questions that need calculation. Our human nature is such that if we try a few safe questions at first, we feel charged with positive energy which in turn increases our efficiency and speed throughout the rest of the exam.

9) Last but not least, stay calm and composed during the test. Be confident when taking the test. Don’t panic if you’ve left questions unanswered, as no one is perfect and many have to. Just make sure the ones you have done are correct and that you can get the destination marks.

Simply put, one can master MCQ tests by knowing the topic thoroughly and practicing it under simulated conditions multiple times (more the better). If you follow the above rules seriously, you can certainly improve your performance on MCQ-based exams.

Good luck for the exams.