Children are truly one of life’s greatest joys. However, when you have a baby, there is weight gain and changes to your body that can be very distressing and often impossible to correct with diet and exercise alone. While controlling weight gain and exercising can improve your body after having children, some body changes don’t come back no matter how hard you try. Fortunately, a modern plastic surgery procedure called Mommy Makeover can help her get back in shape after pregnancy and get her original body back. The Mommy Makeover is designed to restore the shape of your breasts and tummy after the changes that occurred during and after having a baby.

How your body changes after having children.

There are a number of normal physiological changes that occur in your body when you have a baby. However, the most frustrating changes for many mothers occur in the breasts and abdomen or tummy. After the cessation of breastfeeding, the mammary gland (mammary gland) atrophies and becomes smaller and sinks into the chest wall. In addition, the skin of the abdomen loosens and sags downwards and stretch marks may develop. Also, in many people there is excess fat under the skin of the abdomen and flank area. These changes can persist even after weight loss and conditioning through diet, exercise, and exercise.

breast ptosis is the formal word for sagging breast when the Aereola nipple is below the inframammary fold, the crease below your breast. When the areola of the nipple is above the inframammary fold but the mammary gland sinks below the fold, the condition is called glandular ptosis.

abdominal laxity is the term used to describe sagging of the lower abdomen or tummy. In some people, the two abdominal muscles that make up the “six pack” split or separate, a condition called diastasis recti, which is a separation of the two muscles called the rectus abdominis.

Stretch marksred or pink areas of thin skin on the belly, formally called abdominal stretch marks.

Muffin Top or excess fat on the skirts it is the fullness and sides above the hips, which can protrude above a belt or tight pants. Flank fat is often very difficult to lose after having a baby.

What causes breast, tummy, and body changes after having a baby?

· Breast atrophy-loss-During pregnancy, a part of your brain called the pituitary gland secretes hormones that stimulate your mammary gland to enlarge and start producing milk. After cessation of breastfeeding, hormonal stimulation stops and the mammary gland regresses or atrophies and becomes smaller. Loss of breast fullness is called postpartum breast atrophy.

· breast ptosis-The skin around the mammary gland is stretched by enlargement during pregnancy. However, the skin does not tighten in many people after postpartum breast atrophy has occurred. With less breast tissue within an enlarged skin envelope, the gland sags, as if letting air out of a balloon.

· abdominal laxity-The Abdominal Skin stretches to make room for the baby. After childbirth, the skin shrinks and tightens, but often does not return to the original shape of the belly. When adequate contraction has not occurred, the remaining loose skin falls over the lower abdomen.

· Excess fat on the sides– Fat around the waist or flank area is one of the most difficult to lose after pregnancy. This area called the “bun top” is very frustrating when you want to wear clothing that reveals your midriff or waist area.

· Stretch marks-Stretch marks or striae are caused by deep skin collagen breakdown or tearing that occurs from stretching of the abdominal skin during pregnancy. This damage to the deep layer of skin called the Dermis results in redness and thinning of the skin in the area.

What is a mommy makeover?

The term Mommy Makeover can be applied to a variety of different plastic surgery procedures designed to restore your shape after pregnancy. More commonly, however, Mommy Makeover refers to procedures that are performed to restore the breasts and tummy to their pre-pregnancy appearance. The most common is to have a breast lift or breast augmentation with implants and some type of tummy tuck.

· Breast Lift-Dermal Mastopexy-This procedure is designed to correct sagging. There are many different varieties, including Anchor, Lollipop, Periareolar, Crescent, Circumareolar, Donut, and Benelli Lifts. See my January 2013 blog for a full discussion of the different types.

· Breast Augmentation with Implants-Breast implants can be used to restore fullness and cleavage lost after postpartum breast atrophy. For a detailed discussion of breast augmentation, please visit my website.

· tummy tuck– Tummy Tuck can restore the abdomen to a nice flat shape. The full tummy tuck requires moving the “belly button”, while a mini tummy tuck or tummy tuck only requires an excision of the skin below the navel and a scar hidden under underwear or a bikini.

· liposuction– When necessary, liposuction can be performed as part of a Mommy Makeover to remove “muffin top” or excess fat above the navel in patients who are candidates for a mini tummy tuck.

· Stretch Mark Laser Treatment-Recently a new Laser Treatment for Stretch Marks has been developed that really helps. It involves the use of a specific laser called a non-ablative fractionated erbium 1540 laser. The stretch marks become smaller and whiter but do not disappear completely. See my website for more details.

What is the recovery time after Mommy Makeover?

· One week-During the first week after Mommy Makeover you will be sore. The tightening of the abdomen can cause discomfort if you straighten your posture, so you will walk stooped for a few days. You may have drains that are usually removed on day one or two, after which you can shower. We encourage you to walk to prevent blood clots in your legs.

· week two– You will feel much better the second week and will usually be able to return to work that does not require getting up by the end of the second week.

· week three– Within three weeks most patients are back at work and many can start exercising again. If you had a diastasis recti repair, you may not do sit-ups until six weeks and only if your doctor has cleared it.

· week six– At six weeks you should be enjoying your new body and your surgery should be a distant memory.

· Three months- After three months the almost final results of the liposuction should be seen.

· Six months- At six months, all incisions should be mature and white.

Who Should Do Your Mommy Makeover?

In my opinion, only an American Board of Plastic Surgery Certified Plastic Surgeon should perform this complex procedure. Experience is very important, especially when multiple procedures are performed in the same operation.

Seek input from friends you know who have had the procedure. Search websites like Realself and Loveyourlook for reviews of doctors you plan to see. Ask your doctor how comfortable you are doing this type of surgery and multiple procedures. Ask to see photos of your results and, if possible, talk to patients who have had the procedure.

With an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon with whom you feel comfortable, a mommy makeover can be a very satisfying procedure and help you get back in shape after pregnancy.