He hasn’t called yet, has he? All that time you spent building a relationship together, and now it seems like her ex-boyfriend has completely forgotten about you. No matter what you do to get him back, your ex seems to be drifting further and further away.

Do you know why he won’t contact you? The answer is simple, really: it’s because your ex still doesn’t miss you. Since the breakup, he has been filling that void in his life, the void where you used to be, with something (or someone) else.

So how do you get it back? What is the fastest way to get your ex boyfriend interested in you again?

Once again, the answer is quite simple: jealousy.

If you can somehow make your ex boyfriend jealous, he will instantly turn his attention to you. Nothing catches a guy’s eye more than that looming green monster, and jealousy is always a big part of the equation to get your ex back.

There are many ways you can make your boyfriend jealous, even if he dumped you, even if he doesn’t seem to pay attention to you anymore. Even if the situation seems hopeless right now, trust me: your ex still has emotional ties and attachments to you that can easily be taken advantage of with a little jealousy.

Make your ex boyfriend jealous by agreeing to break up

Your first step? Acknowledge and accept your breakup. Instead of fighting for your relationship, just shrug it off. Walk away. Make your boyfriend realize that not only are you no longer interested in pursuing him, but maybe you’re done with the romance. even before it was over. This destroys his confidence and makes him question his decision. It also kicks a good tooth into your ex’s ego.

Break all contact – Make your ex jealous of the unknown

Hey, where did you go? What are you doing? Have you already moved? Are you seeing someone else? How come you’re not chasing him or trying to fix the breakup?

All of these things are seeds of doubt that you should plant in your ex boyfriend’s mind. When they grow up, they breed jealousy…simply because your ex doesn’t want you to move on with your life before he has a chance to move on with his.

Breaking ties and not talking to your ex? You have created a great gigantic mystery. Don’t call, don’t write, don’t email, don’t text…stay away from Facebook, MySpace or any mutual friends. Separate yourself completely and walk away from your ex’s life. These things will not only make your ex miss you, they will make him jealous of what you’re doing… even if you’re not doing anything at all!

Going out with other guys to make your ex boyfriend jealous

Think you can’t go out on a date while you’re waiting to get your ex boyfriend back? Think again!

In fact, dating someone else is probably the fastest way to change your ex. Nothing makes more of an impact than your ex seeing her newly single ex-girlfriend in someone else’s arms…laughing, flirting and having a good time. Even though he dumped you, the LAST thing your ex wants to see is you found someone to replace him. Or worse yet, someone even better than him.

This doesn’t mean you should grab the first guy you see and start dating. Find someone you like and really want to hang out with. Also, don’t date this new person just to make your ex jealous. Do it because you really like this person and keep an open mind. If it drives your ex boyfriend crazy? Excellent! If not, at least you will have a good time and enjoy each other’s company. Going out is always good, especially after a breakup.

There are many other ways you can get your ex to notice you again besides using jealousy. Even if you’ve been apart for a while and things are looking bleak, there are some great reconnection techniques you can use to bring your ex back to you. And from there? You’ll need a step-by-step plan on what to do next!