Indoor or house plants not only add color to the room, they infuse texture and life. They could be used to set the mood of the home. However, you don’t just pick a plant from a store and put it in the corner of the room. You should consider the space in your room, how much time you are willing to spend on plant care and of course the technical aspects of the room such as lighting, temperature and humidity.

After identifying the purpose and how much maintenance you are willing to spend on it, you can start looking for your ideal plant. There are different varieties and types of houseplants. If you are looking for something that is easy to care for, then you could get a cactus. Is that the only thing you could get? Here are some popular options when looking for houseplants.

If you want colorful flowers, begonias are a good choice. They have white, pink, red and yellow flowers. They could grow well throughout the year and could be kept in dark places. African violets can be easily preserved and can only be watered every other day. They can grow in both natural and artificial light. The same goes for philodendrons that can be left hanging in corners that don’t get enough light.

Clovers are excellent houseplants. They have white flowers that could totally brighten up your room or office. They are among the easy-care houseplants. They do not require too much grooming and can be placed in a sunny spot. Another type of houseplant that would easily grow in a sunny or dark spot is the peace lily. As well as being beautiful evergreens, they are natural air purifiers. Areca palm is another natural air purifier. Not only does it beautify your room, but it also cleans the air of different contaminants such as xylene present in paint, gas or pesticides.

Plants like spider plants should not be over-watered or fertilized. They are natural air filters and could easily grow in low to medium light. Just avoid putting them in places where they get direct sunlight. Snake plants, curiously also called mother-in-law’s tongue, can also get by with little water.

The options are endless. If you plan to have houseplants, it’s important to have an idea of ​​what would work for you and your space. Apart from that, you would need to know how to take care of the plant. There are some indoor plants that need a change of soil every year. While others would take a while before a flower grows.