When we recently renovated our home and decided on our options for the new kitchen, we hadn’t given much thought to the type of kitchen lighting fixtures we should install. Originally, we focused on appliances and cabinet designs. After consulting with a few kitchen design experts, we learned that it was just as important to spend time considering which kitchen lighting fixtures to install. I now realize how important they are and what a difference they have made to the whole kitchen! We are very pleased to have received such excellent assistance from our Professional Kitchen Planning Expert, who not only helped us design the most amazing kitchen around our available space, but also provided excellent advice on lighting fixtures. more great kitchens finally being added. We’re sure they’ve helped us save money by creating a space in our home that’s both useful and beautiful.

How I created more space with kitchen lighting fixtures

Making sure the lamps direct the light to the appropriate places and illuminate those subtle corners that would otherwise have been so dark and dreary has made a world of difference to the amount of use we’ve seen throughout the space.

Kitchen lighting fixtures today often include dramatic over-cabinet lighting with some great options to choose from. For our kitchen, evenly spaced long arm halogen lights were perfect and have proven to be an essential addition, particularly when pulling items back towards the back of cabinets! Under the cabinets, above each of the workspaces, we chose a series of evenly spaced halogen lights with triangle-shaped glass covers that perfectly distribute light across the countertop area.

Combine the above two with perfectly positioned halogen ceiling lights, targeted at the most used areas. This provided us with a safe and well lit environment around the stove and over the sink and serving areas. Used kitchen lighting fixtures have become a vital addition to our kitchen and we hope they will bring our family satisfaction for many years to come.

Our kitchen planner also asked us to consider a selection of useful light box options. These really have been a great decorative addition to the kitchen. Light boxes are in the form of deep shelves, emitting light across the entire shelf, both above and below each box. By adding two of these, one on top of the other, we were not only able to brighten previously dark and wasted corners, but also created useful display areas for those carefully selected kitchen display items that we tend to buy but often end up being. stored in the closet.

This new updated kitchen now has matching kitchen lighting fixtures that not only enhance the theme of our entire kitchen, but also apply useful beams of light in all the right places. We no longer have dark corners and now we can use the entire kitchen, so our careful planning of our kitchen lighting fixtures definitely helped make it feel more spacious due to thoughtful lighting design. We no longer have to strain to see what we are doing, when we are baking, reading recipes, helping with homework, loading the dishwasher, or simply peeling vegetables.

We found kitchen lighting fixtures over the breakfast table in our kitchen to be an essential part of our kitchen planning, as different types of lighting fixtures were required for this incredibly useful space. We took more time in this part of the room and chose carefully, although it was a bit tempting to just add them later, it has now become a very special place for us. The kitchen light fixtures we installed give off a nice warm glow that is spread evenly across our table space, yet syncs perfectly with the rest of our beautiful kitchen.