Alright, I finished my 9-day initial cleaning of Isagenix this morning, Monday, November 9. As promised, I will be back to tell you about my experience.

First, my Isagenix 9-day cleaning review begins the day before October 27. I was sure my supplies would be here, but they weren’t even though UPS said it had already been delivered. So I reached out to the neighbors and found my packages delivered to someone else. So I took my things and was ready for the next day. I’m only mentioning this so you can notice that October 28, my start date, to November 9 is actually more than 9 days. The first thing you’ll learn about the Isagenix 9-Day Cleanse is that it’s actually 11 days if it’s your first time. I’ll explain why in a second.

The Isagenix 9-Day Cleanse consists of 2 parts. They are days of turmoil and days of cleaning. Cleanse days consist of a liquid diet 4 times a day of their main product “Cleanse For Life”. That plus lots of water and some veggies, as well as some nuts. Shake days consist of meal replacement shakes like another of their main products, the “IsaLean Shake”, as well as a frequent meal and snacks. Frequent meals and snacks keep you from being very hungry throughout the days. Isagenix 9-Day Cleanse Nutrition

The premise is that your body will get all the nutrition it needs through the right foods and products. Therefore, you will not be as hungry and your metabolism will remain active throughout the day. In addition, your body must rid itself of all the toxins that it has stopped taking and that store the fat that will begin to melt. So where does the Isagenix 9-Day Cleanse begin?

Days 1 and 2 are actually hectic days. Now if you’ve been using the products for a while, you’d skip these first 2 shake days and start cleaning right away. If you are new to the system, you should shake for 2 days to chemically balance your body before starting, so as not to damage your system too much. But even smoothie days can make a little impact.

My first two days of smoothies were pretty good when it came to hunger. The problem I had was stopping caffeine. Cold turkey for 2 more days without caffeine for a couple of days before that. So my second day of smoothie I woke up with a huge headache. Thank goodness I work from the comfort of my home as a successful network marketer because that got me back to bed. One day later everything was fine. However, I can’t blame my caffeine withdrawal for the cleanse.

So the Isagenix 9-day clean is as follows: 2 days of shaking, then 2 days of cleaning, followed by 5 days of shaking, and finally 2 last days of cleaning. Throughout the eleven days I did not feel deprived or hungry. It wasn’t really that hard to keep up with meals, shakes, or snacks every two hours.

My biggest challenge during the 9-day Isagenix cleanse was actually the last 2 days. These were also cleaning days. My wife, two children, and I went out of town to visit her family on the last weekend of the cleanup. That’s hard. A liquid diet and snack with family members who are very hospitable and want to invite you to eat everything. Even more difficult could be the time sitting in a car and driving for 5 hours or more. You usually want to eat more than one snack. I’m sure I would have eaten a little better without the road trip.

However, I notice a higher energy level. Usually my wife and I trade over and over again for driving time on the way out and back. This time I did all the driving and I felt comfortable doing it. I never got tired or lethargic and drove the full 10+ hours. I’d have to attribute that to the Isagenix 9-day cleanse because I can’t remember the last time it happened without exchanging at least once with my lovely wife. I even made a comment to my dad when we got back.

So overall, the Isagenix 9-day clean was pretty good. Oh, and by the way, I lost 14½ pounds and over 18 inches from my full body measurements. Not bad for 11 days. I am very excited with my results so far and have even participated in the Isabody challenge. Maybe I’ll go into more detail about what it is in another article. One thing that I have not done and that they recommend is to start exercising. I wanted to try to get real results as to what the real product was doing before I started exercising. So I’m going to spend 7 more days on the 30-day program before I start exercising. However, I don’t want to wait much longer because I want to compete in the challenge. Wish me luck on that, it looks like the competition can be pretty tough.

To summarize all of this; I did the cleaning on 9/11. I am more energetic and alert. It is not too difficult to control food intake. While the flavors of the products are not very exciting, who wouldn’t be happy to lose 14 ½ pounds and over 18 inches in just 11 days? So far I’m satisfied with the 9-day Isagenix cleanse, enough to jump right into the 30-day challenge and Isabody and continue my Isagenix journey.