Aristotle in his Poetics It says that a tragedy must happen to an important character for it to be truly a tragedy. The precipitous fall from power that befell Boethius fits the Aristotelian definition. Boethius (480 – 524/6), born in Rome to an ancient family, served as head of the entire government in the kingdom of Theodoric, Ostrogoth king of Italy. This noble man was second only to Theodoric, and no one else.

The work of a scholar is always overwhelming, and for that reason I will focus on only one book and within that book (The consolation of philosophy) on the subject of fortune. Because I have always thought that fortune smiles at us or simply ignores us, and nothing else, I was surprised by what Boecio had to say about it.

It is not in material wealth, not in money, not in possessions, not in fame, and much less in the abundance of servants that the most precious of all riches resides. Boethius reveals exactly where. And considering that he was betrayed and abused, his perception is even more puzzling.

When a senator named Albino was accused of treason against Rome, Boethius openly defended the accused. The consequences were disastrous! Boethius was not only accused of treason, but also of sacrilege for practicing mathematics and astrology. It is during his imprisonment that he wrote his famous work, The Consolation of Philosophy. Having fallen from grace, he was vilified, tortured, and ultimately executed.

Consolation It is a dialogue in prose and verse between the author and Philosophy.

In Book II, Chapter 2 we read:

“Didn’t you learn in your childhood how there are on the threshold of the two jars of Zeus”, one full of blessings and the other of calamities? How if you have pulled yourself too generously out of the good pitcher? What if even now I have not completely withdrawn from you? What if this very mutability of mine is a fair basis to hope for better things? But listen now, and stop letting your heart burn with restlessness, nor do you expect to live on your own terms in a realm that is common to all. ”

In the form of Fortune, Philosophy addresses Boethius’s complaints, trying to make him see that humans participate in the two jars: blessings and calamities. That even in the most abject conditions, fortune causes sudden changes. That happiness can be found even in the most adverse conditions.

The poet’s voice tells us about the essence of Fortune:

“Mad Fortune advances with unbridled pride,

Uncertain as the rising tide of Eurippus;

Now he tramples mighty kings underfoot;

Now place the conquered in the victor’s seat.

She does not listen to the lament of misfortune,

But he scoffs at the grievances that flow from his mischief. ”

In Book II, Chapter 8, Philosophy reveals to Boethius that there are two Fortunes:

Because Good Fortune when disguised as happiness, and most seem to caress, is always lying. Bad Fortune is always true, since, by changing, it shows its inconstancy. The one deceives, the other teaches; the one chains the minds of those who enjoy his favor by the appearance of a deceptive good, the other frees them by the knowledge of the fragile nature of happiness. ”

Philosophy turns Boethius’s understanding upside down. Here we have a trans valuation of securities. Good fortune turns out to be the villain; Bad luck heroin.

Closing its discussion on the two Fortunes, Philosophy tells Boethius that it is Bad Fortune who reveals who our true friends are, not Good Fortune, which on the contrary hides them.

Precious rich for everyone to have:

And in the final admonition of Philosophy is a much sought-after pearl of wisdom: “Stop, then, looking for the wealth that you have lost, since in true friends you have found the most precious of all riches.”

Boethius points out that in the course of our lives, when Good Fortune smiles at us, we must be cautious, since complacency, deception and illusion will lead us to draw our blessings from the good jar.

For those with a philosophical bent, The consolation of philosophy offers great insightful discussions on happiness, the problem of right and wrong, and human freedom, free will, and existence. For those with a practical bent, you can find wise and practical advice on wealth, money, riches, peace of mind, and living well.