A concerned California citizen asked me, “Don’t you think you might be releasing too much information about police tactics and procedures to the public?” Furthermore, he wondered, “You might as well be helping criminals.” My answer, there is no doubt that the criminals who read my articles will benefit. But the innocent are my main target, and as the constitution emphatically implies, as well as all state governments, it is better for a criminal to escape from jail than an innocent person to go to jail!

But let me tell you something else, the same police departments and their officers also help criminals. As? Have you ever watched Call Cops, CSI, Crime Scene, 48 hours, Investigative Reports, etc. The police department around the world suddenly agreed with television producers to “show” investigations, arrests, DNA captures, fingerprinting techniques and car chases. My goodness, there’s even a show called “Parking Wars” where police and law enforcement show the aggravation of citizens by paying parking tickets and doling out huge sums of money for towing! Some people actually enjoy watching the irritation and disgust of others go through trouble! The police have made it possible. In the past, you never saw these kinds of shows.

If you love watching these shows, (I advised you to), I’m just saying that police departments and administrators agree to show them, and you have a right to benefit from watching them. I saw a lot of them too, but maybe for a different reason. I try to show important information that can save lives to reveal it to the public!

Law enforcement programs now deal with DNA, fingerprinting techniques, and many other “latest” technologies. Because? Police departments don’t get paid, so why? I’ll tell you why? They want you, the public to know, that they are just as smart as the criminals! Well, I want the public to be as smart as the police.

The police say they have the right to put a speed camera behind a tree to ticket you on the roads, so I just think you have a right to know they are there (hence my support for speed camera detectors). The police say that DNA is an important biological identifier of all human beings and can convict or exonerate, so I urge you to be careful when handing over your DNA without reliable protocol and/or a search warrant. Police say “everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty.” I say, and most of you know, that’s a joke! It’s just not true. Therefore, I tell everyone to protect themselves by consulting an attorney before making any statement!

Governments and law enforcement agencies do not always have your good in mind. They don’t care about you, your son or daughter, or other loved ones. It’s an invisible entity staffed by humans who go home at night and don’t think one iota about the events of the day, or the problems you’re having!

Do you really think that a policeman who gave you a $150.00 ticket is thinking about how you are going to pay it? In many cases, a simple “warning” might have been enough! In today’s economic times, $150.00 is a utility bill, a couple weeks worth of groceries, or a major bill. He or she doesn’t have to worry about traffic tickets, because if you get caught speeding, all you have to do is tell the cop that you’re a cop. (By the way, speedrunners are not hard criminals.)

If you are arrested for a felony and you are innocent, do you think the police officer will spend the whole night worrying about your bail, your job, the trial, or your family’s concerns about your incarceration? He must take care of himself and use all available information to get home at night. So my advice, he watches as many of these shows as possible. Flash all the information, tactics and tricks and use them to your advantage. Take care!