If you purchased the Xbox 360 system, you may want to know how to set up your hard drive (HD) and headset the right way. This article will guide you through the proper setup of this fun gaming console.

So how to connect hard drive to Xbox 360 system by yourself? It is this…

1. Power off your Xbox 360 system

2. Remove the HD compartment cover on the end of the console to reveal the compartment.

Please note: that the front of the HD is the thin end and the thicker end is turned towards the back.

3. Place the hard drive into the drive bay, back first.

Remember- the rear of the drive must fit under a lip at the rear of the bay.

4. Push down on the front of the hard drive and you should hear a “click” sound indicating the drive is seated correctly.

Now you have easily configured the hard drive properly and it’s time to configure your headphones as well. The Xbox 360 headset plugs directly into the Xbox 360 controller dock. This headset works on both wired and wireless controllers, and here are the simple steps on how you can connect your headset to your controller the right way.

1. Hold the controller facing forward, as you would while gaming.

2. Find the plug on the end of the Xbox 360 headset and turn it so the mute switch is facing up.

3. Push the Xbox 360 headset plug into the base of the controller

Friendly note: you can easily adjust the headphone volume using the wheel at the base of the plug, and you can also mute the microphone using the switch at the base of the plug.

Enjoy the game!