Racism and its effects on young adults:
When people, especially young adults, are treated unequally because of their race, color, national or ethnic origin, or immigration status, it takes a toll on them physically and mentally and creates sort of feelings of worry, anxiety, or fear and loss of interest. in your daily life. activities. It’s because our brain is wired to make us feel worried or fearful towards anything in the environment that looks different. In fact, one in five adults between the ages of 18 and 25 in the US faces this problem of mental illness, according to a national survey. Children who are confronted with racism tend to have a mental illness that can develop psychological distress and suicidal thoughts.

Ways to prevent:
Educating yourself is the best way to prevent racism. Learn as much as you can about racism and racial discrimination negatively affecting mental health, producing depression, anxiety, and psychological stress in those who experience it, and ways to reduce it.

Talk to people within your group to change their attitudes and beliefs, as feeling insecure and avoiding certain spaces or situations due to ethnicity had the biggest negative impact on mental health.

Racial harassment of minority people by white people in the United States has been a problem for a long time, for centuries. Minority people lack opportunity, attend poor schools, or are plagued by poverty. A broader community approach must be taken, as young people with migrant and refugee backgrounds need community support to protect themselves from racism.

Support awareness:
There are many ways you can extend your support.
Speak up if you come across racism: If you hear someone using racial jokes or mistreating people because of their race, step in and speak up.

Support and participate in events in different communities – this provides a great opportunity to learn about different cultures and interact with people from that culture.

Get your friends and family to attend these festivals as well. Educating yourself is a way to have a more positive attitude towards people from different backgrounds.

Get involved with support organizations: Many organizations are dedicated to working on these issues. Joining or supporting them is one of the best methods you can choose. You can have the opportunity to meet like-minded people and get useful updates. You can volunteer your services or donate your time and/or money to their cause.

Make friends of different races: It is a good idea to have close relationships with people of different races to prevent racism.

Support mental health services – Racial and ethnic minorities have less access to services compared to whites. Although mental health services are available, the enormous cost and lack of insurance coverage was the most common reason for not using services across all racial and ethnic groups. Helping and supporting them when they need care, they receive good quality service.

Organize awareness campaigns. – Campaigns and demonstrations are powerful ways to combat racism in your community. Organize an awareness campaign and invite everyone in your community, legislators, institutional policy makers and officials from government authorities. Giving out giveaways is a great way to perfectly get your message across to your audience and increase awareness. Although there are a variety of promotional items available, choosing personalized wristbands with an awareness message is the best option, given their popularity and reach among people. People love to wear these stylish fashion accessories that are easily available online in different colors, types and sizes and moreover they are easily customizable. These products are not only used as stylish accessories, but are also used by people for awareness raising and other purposes.

We all join hands and pledge to raise awareness to prevent mental illness among young adults due to racial discrimination.