Although television and radio are mass media, the best stations can make each listener feel as if they are sharing an intimate one-on-one conversation. They never tower over their audience, but speak to everyone as if they were a dear and cherished friend.

Perhaps the first broadcaster to use this technique was President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his famous radio broadcasts, the “fireside chats.” FDR delivered 31 of these chats over the course of his presidency, beginning on March 12, 1933. Fortunately for us, he was closely watched by his Secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins, who gives us a great insight into FDR’s media style. .

This is what we can learn from FDR Perkins’ observations. While these techniques are especially useful for TV and radio interviews, use them when speaking to ANY audience; by phone or face to face.

1. He visualized his audience as individuals, never as a mass of people.

When I was the host of the #1 morning show in New York City, there were hundreds of thousands of people listening. If I had thought of all these people, I probably would have passed out from nervousness. Instead, I imagined that the only person listening was my best friend. Your audience listens to you one person at a time, so speak to them as individuals, never as a group. Create a prototype audience member and make up a story about their life, their problems, and their needs. They are supporters of your cause. They have come to you for help. Talk to this person every time you have a faceless audience, on the radio, TV, or on the phone. With practice, you can learn to transpose your prototype face to a full live audience.

2. He visualized his audience on the porch, at the dining room table.

The visualization of the dinner table works very well to create a feeling of intimacy and trust. I use it all the time when presenting my products and services over the phone. I imagine I’ve invited the other person to dinner. We are having an informal conversation in a familiar environment. We both feel comfortable and relaxed. The phone works just like the radio. It is the theater of the mind, and you are the set designer. So create a set that works for you.

3. He was aware of their faces and hands, their clothes and houses.

The more specific you are about your listener, the more they will connect. Can you tell me the color of his eyes? What are they wearing? Where they live? Hands speak a lot about a person. What do they reveal?

4. His voice and facial expression while speaking were those of a close friend.

Your tone of voice is intimately linked to your facial expression. A frown will make your voice sound harsh and cold. But a smile will warm your voice, making it sound warm and inviting.

5. As he spoke, his head nodded and his hands moved in simple, natural gestures.

Most people think that good communication is centered in the mouth. Nothing could be further from the truth! To be a powerful communicator, you must use your whole body. Gestures and body language add energy and enthusiasm to your speech.

6. His face would smile and light up as if he were sitting on the front porch or in the living room with them. The people felt this and attached them to him with affection.

A smile is one of the most powerful tools you have to create rapport with your listener, even when they can’t see you! Smile while you speak. Smile as you dial. Smile even if you don’t feel like it. Techniques used by FDR more than 60 years ago are still relevant today. Provide your own fireside chat the next time you need to speak to an audience – over the air, over the phone or face-to-face…and that’s one more way to unlock the hidden power of YOUR voice.