Reading is truly the foundation of our children’s educational experience. If your child’s reading skills in middle school aren’t up to scratch, he’s in for an uphill struggle that gets progressively worse. As parents, we want to do everything in our power to help our children succeed. There are actually a few things you can do with your child at home that will give them an edge in class.

An easy way to improve reading skills in middle school is to help your child choose reading materials that really interest him. A big problem with textbooks is that kids just don’t find them interesting. At home it is better for your child to read things that he finds fascinating. For example, children are often the biggest fans of new video games, so perhaps a subscription to a video game magazine would be a great gift. Girls often fall in love with celebrities, and since gossip magazines are not lacking, your daughter can spend some time every day reading something she really enjoys.

Many children like to receive letters. Most households have more than their share of envelopes addressed to the “owner” or “addressee.” A fun way to improve middle school reading skills is to save all that general mail for your child. Tell them it is their job to review it to decide what should be thrown away and what should be treated. They will welcome the responsibility and may even find something interesting enough to read.