It is not uncommon for the woman who has been abandoned to feel depressed about life. She may feel like life will never get better and do things she wouldn’t normally do, like drinking and/or doing drugs. She may feel that she won’t be able to live without her ex and will go to great lengths to make sure she doesn’t. If this describes you and you want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back, you need to know what mistakes to avoid to give yourself a fighting chance.

How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back: 9 Mistakes Women Make After a Bad Breakup

Mistake 1 – Sleep with your ex

For your first “how to get your ex boyfriend back” tip, never sleep with your ex after the breakup. For starters, it will not return it to you, regardless of what you may think. Second, it lets your ex know that she can have you whenever she wants without any strings attached. Sleeping with your ex only brings you more confusion, despite the temporary solution of him being in your life. Remember, sex is not the ultimate solution to your relationship and you may end up more hurt than happy about it.

Mistake 2 – Get revenge on your ex

If you have a goal of getting your ex back, then your next “how to get your ex boyfriend back” tip is to not seek revenge for breaking your heart, no matter how much the breakup hurt you. If you choose to take revenge by sleeping with one of his friends or doing something else just as mean and disgusting, be prepared for the repercussions of your actions, including the possibility of losing any chance of getting him back.

Mistake 3 – Ask your ex for another chance

Another important “how to get ex boyfriend back” tip to remember is to stay calm and not beg your ex for another chance. It is true that you are going to feel many emotions, but the last thing you should do is show it to them. When you beg for that second chance, you are showing him how needy and clingy you are. What you need to show him is how strong you are.

Mistake 4: Calling, emailing, or texting your ex all the time

For your fourth “how to get your ex boyfriend back” tip, the last thing you should do is call him every five to 10 seconds, hoping he picks up the phone so you can hear his voice. You shouldn’t be texting or emailing him hoping he’ll realize you’re the woman for him. All you are doing is driving a bigger gap through your chances of another relationship. It can be hard, but leave your phone alone and keep email at bay until you’ve gotten over your breakup emotions.

Mistake 5 – Present your ex with ultimatums

Another “how to get your ex boyfriend back” tip is to not give ultimatums. Unless you follow through on your threats, don’t bother giving ultimatums. If you don’t comply, your ex will see your threats and anything else you say as empty and hollow. Also, you do not have to give an ultimatum because they have left you; It’s about time you gave him these threats. If you’re looking to win his ex back, don’t twist his arm to try to win him back; let it happen naturally.

Mistake 6 – Flirting with your ex’s friends

The last thing you should do is flirt with your ex boyfriend’s circle of friends. He will only think less of you and his friends; if they are real friends, they won’t give you the time of day. In fact, he may seem desperate and bitter. If a friend of his responds to your advances, then he is not a true friend. If you are able to mend the relationship and have flirted with any of his friends, it can be awkward to be around them. Overall, this is a very bad idea if you are trying to learn how to get your ex boyfriend back.

Mistake 7 – Stalk your ex

Another “how to get your ex boyfriend back” tip is to not stalk him. In fact, this is the time to give your ex the space he needs; after all, that is what the breakup is meant to do. You may want to look innocently at your ex so you can show up where he’ll be or decide to drive over to his house, all really just to see if he’s alone or with someone new. Believe it or not, innocent or not, this is stalking your ex and all you’ll end up with is still a broken heart with a “psycho” label from your ex boyfriend and his friends.

Mistake 8: Getting a third party to talk to your ex

Don’t let a third party talk to your ex if you can’t do it yourself. For starters, it’s more likely to bother you than help you get it back. Don’t make your friends talk to him because he’ll know you told them about the breakup, including what happened and why. Don’t talk to his friends because they will always take his side in the situation. On top of that, you will look desperate and clingy. It’s common to make this mistake if you don’t know how to get your ex boyfriend back, so don’t do it now that you know.

Error 9: Press for answers on why the breakout happened

For your final advice, “how to get your ex boyfriend back”, you need to stop picking on your ex for the “real” reason for the breakup. Many times, women continually ask her ex-boyfriend why in the hope of hearing the truth. They want to hear that the real reason for the breakup is something they can fix. The reality is that they may not be able to fix it and your ex is telling you the truth. This is the time when you need to accept the breakup and stop bothering your ex with the “real” reason.