If you don’t get bored of clicking the same buttons repeatedly, grinding for gold could be the option for you. Gold milling is one of the most consistent and proven ways to generate gold in WoW. Before Burning Crusade, it was one of the only ways to get gold.

In this article, I will show you the best places to grind for gold. Please note that this guide is specifically designed for level 70.

I am not going to qualify which is the best place to grind gold. Some of these places work better depending on your class, profession, and needs. If you need Primals to craft or enchant, it’s obviously best to farm your own and then spend 20-30g per piece at the Auction House. For that exact reason, that’s why it’s usually a war zone in the Elemental Plateau. Because of this, the best grind for gold stain will always be where the least discomfort occurs. That’s why I recommend more low-key places like Manaforge Bnaar and Forge Camp Anger.

East of Gruul’s Lair – Blade’s Edge Mountains

Items to farm: Mote of Fire Adamantite Deposit (Mining) Knot Leather (Skinning)

Forge Camp Anger – Blade’s Edge Mountains

Items to farm: Netherweave Fel Armaments Marks of Sargeras Gold Primal Shadow

Legion Hold – Shadowmoon Valley

Items to farm: Netherweave Fel Armaments Marks of Sargeras Gold Adamantite Deposit (Mining)

Elemental Plateau – Nagrand

Items to farm: Mote of Fire Mote of Air

Bnaar Manaforge – Netherstorm

Items to farm: Sunfury Seal Netherweave Arcane Tome Gold

Those are all great places if all you want to do is grind for gold. However, if you want to get as much gold as possible, it’s always more effective and less boring to incorporate other aspects of the game into farming. As you saw in an earlier example, when you farm east of Gruul’s lair, you’ll notice that in addition to fire elementals that drop motes of fire, you can also skin nearby wolves if you’re a skinner. On top of that, if you are a miner, that is a place that has a high mining node spawn rate.

As you can see from this example, if you somehow incorporate your professions when you pan for gold, you’ll be much more productive.

If you dig even deeper, you’ll realize that you could incorporate a lot of other things into your gold farming routine. There are endless combinations. The KEY is to try them out and find the one that best suits your style of play.

If you just worked 10 hours straight and your brain is dead, maybe panning for gold for a while is a good idea, but if you want to be efficient and profitable, you need to find the right mix. Good luck!