balboa park

Visit Balboa Park from the first to fourth Tuesday of the month. Select museums offer free admission to residents of the city and county of San Diego.

Coronado Ferry

If you’re an early riser, you’re in luck. Take a relaxing and quick trip to Coronado for free during the hours of 5:40-8:50 am The Flagship Ferry sails for 15 minutes, departing from various locations in downtown San Diego. And yes, this comes with a free return ticket in the afternoon.

Hikes in San Diego

With so many great hiking destinations in San Diego, it’s hard to pass up this free activity. Check out our list of the best San Diego Hiking Trails we’ve rounded up from some of the best mountains, roads and trails and enjoy some quality exercise and spectacular views.

night lightning

It turns out that one of our favorite San Diego events is free. Every second Saturday of the month from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, join local artists, gallery owners and just as many hipsters for an art walk along Ray Street in North Park.

Contemporary Art Museum

If you are 25 or younger and you like art, we have the perfect thing for you, for free! Thanks to a grant from the Qualcomm Foundation, the museum offers free admission to people under the age of 25. Check it out from 11am to 5pm every day except Wednesday when it’s closed.

stone brewing company

Every Wednesday throughout the summer, Stone Brewing Co. hosts a free movie night on their beautiful grounds. Bring your own lawn chairs and blankets to cozy up on the grass for a great night of good movies, snacks…and of course, beer! They also have free beer tours every day that last about 45 minutes and are followed by a tasting.

Great East Avenue in Escondido

If you’re in Escondido on Fridays, hit East Grand Ave for hundreds of cool cars and lots of live music. This free event starts at 5 and ends around 9.

Scripps Birch Aquarium

Get half off aquarium admission on the 20th of every month in 2012 as part of the Aquarium’s 20th Anniversary Sale. Offer is good for San Diego County residents living in ZIP codes 91909-92199.

California Surfing Museum

Every Tuesday you can enter this totally cool museum for free. If you miss Tuesday, don’t worry, tickets are just $3 for all other days and kids 12 and under are always free.

the chinese museum

Though not necessarily free, at $2 each, tickets to see the culture, lore, and history at this museum are well worth it. Don’t go here on Monday though, the museum is closed.

Mission Bay Yoga Visitor Center

Have fun while you work out and stop by the Mission Bay Visitor Center on Sundays at 9:30 am for a free Laughter Yoga class.

dollar and bowl

Another technically not free activity, but at $1, it might as well be. Buck n Bowl at Brunswick Bowling in Chula Vista is every Monday night from 9 pm to close and offers $1 bowling, hot dogs and drinks.

farmers markets

San Diego has an incredible variety of Farmer’s Markets. There is plenty of fresh produce, prepared food, artisans, entertainment and much more. Each location adds its own flair, so be sure to check them all out.

Under-31 Comedy

Have fun and join everyone at U-31 in North Park on Tuesday nights where the newest and funniest comedians perform for your pleasure. It’s free before 7, but if you can’t make it before, it’s only $5 after.

Clairemont Library

Bring the kids to the Clairemont Library from 4-5:30 pm every Thursday to play free board games. Kids ages 3 and up are welcome, and of course parents are welcome to join in on the family fun.

The new children’s museum

Every second Sunday of every month, The New Children’s Museum offers free admission during opening hours of 10 am and 4 pm


A more obvious choice, but sometimes it’s easy to take what an amazing backyard we have in San Diego for granted. With some of the best beaches ever, you can easily enjoy a nice day on the ocean. Pack a lunch, bring a boogie board, hit the volleyball courts, don’t forget a good book and voila – you won’t have to spend a dollar.