Domestic violence is an overwhelming problem that affects men, women, and children. What is domestic violence? Any physical act that causes injury to another party, including assault, aggravated assault, battery, sexual assault, stalking, kidnapping, or death of another party in the home is considered. Domestic violence is serious, affecting one in four women in her lifetime. (Centers for Disease Control)

Abuse that leads to domestic violence includes controlling behaviors that attempt to manipulate another person. There can be a great deal of verbal and emotional abuse that includes name calling, putting the person down, and engaging in activities that will help the abuser maintain power over the other person. The Duluth Model of Power and Control, as well as the Duluth Model of Equality, display specific behaviors that are indicative of abuse, while the Duluth Model of Equality focuses on specific behaviors that indicate a healthy relationship that is safe for all the parties and the children.

Most of a person’s characteristics develop throughout their life, which is why researchers point to domestic violence as a learned behavior. Many children see abusive relationships in their homes that stem from drug or alcohol use, fights due to money problems or neglect, or any variety of difficulties within the home that leads them to have a biased perception of what they are supposed to be. a relationship between people. What. This is the information they carry with them in their own relationships and the cycle of abuse continues.

In many cases of abuse, the abuser feels empowered; Let’s use respect as an example; and if they do not receive the respect of their partner, they attack them. Whether this action is learned behavior or not, abusers can choose how they treat other people. No one has the right to look down on another person, harm them in any way, or kill them.

For any individual seeking serious relationships, consider the other person’s behavior. If they exhibit personality traits that can lead to violent behavior, the relationship should be evaluated. Some things to consider: if the person is violent or aggressive, does he feel the need to be in control, if the other person is jealous of other relationships, if your partner has extreme mood swings, if he has access to weapons, if he comes from a family that was violent and not loving, and is concerned about the behavior of one of its partners.

It’s best to approach certain behavioral concerns with caution. Women tend to stay in abusive relationships for many reasons, they fear being one of them and loving the person who hurts them. It can be said that if someone really loved you, they would not physically hurt you. That’s hard to chew on when you’re in a relationship, but it really is the truth.