Masturbation is a very personal process, and whatever works for a man is generally the best way to go. However, there is always something new to learn, and it may be necessary for a man to consider tips and tricks to amplify his pleasure. On the other hand, there are certain methods of self-gratification that can get in the way of sex life, and for most men they are worth avoiding. Since frequent use is important to the health of the penis, it is imperative to keep masturbation enjoyable without compromising sexual performance with the partner. The following tips will help you.

1) Beware of “unusual sensations”. If a man primarily masturbates through the use of stimulation that is vastly different from anything he would experience with a sexual partner, for example vacuum hoses, hot tub jets, or a choke hold, then he may not be able to enjoy as much of the sexual partner. sex with a partner. as he could, or even not at all.

When the penis is repeatedly subjected to these “unusual sensations” to cause orgasm, it can be trained to respond only to those sensations. That means a partner’s touch, mouth, and body may not be able to invoke the pleasure, erection, and ejaculation of the otherwise trained penis. This can create major problems in relationships, as well as damage a man’s self-esteem.

2) Try different techniques. Men generally have their preferred grip and rhythmic patterns as they enter adulthood, but why not try something new? Some alternative methods that men may not have considered include:

– Lubricate the palm and rub the tip against it

– Focusing on the base of the penis

– Skirting: bringing oneself to the brink of release, then stop, then start over, and so on three or four times before allowing release.

– Gently pulling the balls just before and during climax.

These different sensations can lead to a different level of orgasm, it is worth the experiment!

3) Take it easy with hardcore visuals. Some men find on reflection that the videos and images they use when masturbating may have increased in the hardcore factor over time. If a man relies solely on such materials, he is training his penis to respond sexually to such things. When it comes to real sex as a couple, you are not likely to recreate the scenarios in extreme videos and images, and therefore you may feel unable to fully enjoy sexual pleasure with a person in person.

4) Try some toys. Sex toys are certainly not just for women. Some men enjoy anal stimulation and would benefit from a dildo, vibrator, or pearls. Other men may prefer to simulate a vagina with a purchased toy like the Fleshlight; others may want to take a DIY approach. Here are some homemade options:

– Put a condom inside a cardboard toilet paper or paper towel tube.

– Dip two sponges in warm water and place them in a cup.

– Fill a plastic bag with lubricant and stick it between the sofa cushions.

– Roll up the cuff of a sock, put a medical glove inside, fill the glove with lubricant and go to town.

Toys like this can give men a new experience and are easy to do with things around the house.

5) Use lubricant. Some men love dry massage, and this can be fine for men who produce plenty of natural lubrication. But for most, extra lubrication is key to preventing dry, irritated and sore skin on the penis. However, this can even result from lubricated masturbation. In addition to using lubricant, men can apply a moisturizer to their limbs after showering so that their skin enters the session fully hydrated. A cream for penis health (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) It is an ideal option for men who need a boost in the skin conditions department.