Changes in lifestyle, eating habits, and stress lead to diabetes, thyroid, kidney, and liver diseases, and almost every family today suffers from one of these diseases. Ancient medicinal techniques such as Ayurveda and acupuncture can help us treat these disorders in reasonably less time and with much more ease than conventional medical practices.

Diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, blood pressure, and thyroid disease are the most serious of all the world’s major diseases. Acupuncture can be used to treat these disorders effectively as explained below:

This occurs if a gland called the pancreas does not produce insulin or our body does not absorb the insulin produced. Symptoms can include excessive urination, very thirsty, binge eating, hunger, weight loss, eye problems, etc.

Take an excess of gooseberry powder or juice, bitter melon or their juice, along with daily exercises and walks.

acupuncture points:
DU 20, REN 12, SI 19, ST 21, SP 6, SJ 8

Kidney diseases:
The kidneys remove toxic substances and wastes from the blood through biochemical processes. Kidney disorders like kidney failure and kidney stones are due to inefficient blood flow, blood pressure disorders, blocked blood vessels, etc.

Massage the area where the kidneys are located with warm sesame oil. Take leaves of curry leaf plant and castor oil plant, boil them in hot water and apply the boiled water with a damp cloth on the kidney area, if possible mix red soil with this water and keep it in the kidney area.

acupuncture points:
For kidney stones: DU 20, AUB 23, K5, ST 36, SP 6

For renal failure: DU 20, K5, ST 36, LU 9, LI 11, UB 23

Liver disorders:
The liver resides on the right side of the abdomen, aids in digestion, blood sugar control, blood purification, secretion of bile juices, vitamin and iron storage, conversion of food into energy, release of various hormones and produce enzymes to heal wounds. The kidneys can be affected mainly by cancer, hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcoholic liver, fatty liver, headache, etc.

Pressure points reside on the bottom of the little finger, pressure should be applied 30 to 40 times at this point.

It resides in the neck region, when it is affected it leads to weight gain, menstrual cycle problems, hair loss, throat problems, etc.

Warm castor oil should be applied and a short massage should be given to the throat region, the back of the ear, and the neck region. Daily exercise is mandatory and breathing exercise has been shown to help a lot in thyroid disorders.

acupuncture points:
DU 20, SJ 20, GB 21, EX 1, LI 18, giving acupuncture to these points weekly once has shown good results.