Are you getting Chrome R6034 error on your browser? This problem is also called a run-time error, and it causes programs to malfunction. I get certain error messages like, ‘An application has tried to load the C runtime library incorrectly. Contact the application support team for more information. ‘This is an annoying problem and sometimes happens with other browsers including IE and Firefox. To find your solution you must carry out a set of activities elaborated here:

– Fix registry errors including active-x and file association errors on your PC through a reliable registry repair program. Most of the time, corruption in the Windows registry causes such runtime errors. The registry is an important component of the operating system that stores information about all the software and hardware on your computer.

– Check with your plugins / add-ons installed on your Chrome. Sometimes the Chrome R6034 could have occurred due to the conflict between an unresponsive plugin and the browser. You should also try disabling any Chrome extensions if you suspect that it may be behind the R6034 runtime error in Google Chrome.

– Let Windows install the latest updates as this error may be due to missing updates on your system.

– Run an antimalware scan to remove malware from your computer that can manipulate and corrupt your Windows registry keys. This corruption can result in a complete system crash. It is recommended that after a registry repair scan, an anti-malware scan be performed to fix Chrome error R6034 on your PC.

The above guidelines allow you to fix the runtime error that occurs on your PC. Follow all the guidelines to find an effective solution.