So you have a couple of mature discus fish that have shown interest in each other but are not laying eggs.

The most important factor in disc farming is the quality of the water, make sure it is soft, acidic and clean. If you have this water, you are most likely stressed by the fact that there are not hundreds of eggs in the tank. If you have a disk ready to lay eggs, there are a few ways you can help them out.

The first way you can tempt them to bed is to feed them a diet rich in frozen bloodworms for about a week. Feed it every day, as well as your other food. This should condition the female and prepare her to reproduce. Other foods that are good for hatching discus fish are white worm, adult brine shrimp, and minced crab sticks or shrimp. Make sure to buy frozen food, as there is less chance of getting sick.

Another way to encourage your record to play is by doing a 25% water change but lowering the temperature by a couple of degrees from the incoming water. This mimics their natural habitat and can trigger spawning. This is a little trick that I use with all my young partners when trying to make them appear. Make sure all the pH and hardness are the same, making only the temperature different.

The third trick to making your album play is to separate them for a couple of days before reintroducing them. To do this, you can add a tank divider or move the male to another aquarium. Make sure the female eats enough when the male is away. When reintroducing the discus, just keep a close eye on it for the next 24 hours, as the males have been known to be aggressive towards the female. They should start dating in the next few days and hopefully lay eggs afterward.

There are more ways to encourage your discus to breed, as well as many more discus breeding and care tips on my site