There are many claims about the power of biorhythms and their ability to predict the way your life will unfold. My humble opinion has always been that biorhythm analysis is something more subtle than that. I have always had the philosophy that biorhythm analysis really helps to understand the underlying fluctuations or rhythms of our body and mind. To achieve this understanding, we can use biorhythm reading to adjust our attitude and help us better deal with the ebbs and flows of these rhythms. For example, we can mentally prepare for the days that can be a bit more physically tough and also plan to maximize the opportunities that present themselves when our physical biorhythms are high, perhaps training harder or doing a few more minutes in the pool. That’s where the true power of biorhythms lies.

The title of this article presents an interesting question: can biorhythms predict your luck? The answer lies in part in understanding what we mean by luck. If you’re hoping that biorhythms can predict when you’ll win the lottery, I’m afraid your hopes are in vain. This kind of luck is blind and random chance and while you would call a recent lottery winner lucky, it is not necessarily the case that after your good luck you enjoy more good luck. We have all seen instances where lottery winners squander their winnings on a series of poor decisions. The luck of which I speak has more to do with the application of intuition. We all know people who seem to be lucky: they are the ones who always seem to be on top, who always seem to be in the right place at the right time, and who always sell just before the markets turn. These people seem to be able to intuitively read a situation in their favor, most likely subconsciously.

The question is then, applied to the analysis of biorhythms and biorhythms, does intuition circulate like physical, intellectual and emotional biorhythms? Anecdotal evidence suggests that it does, and it follows a 38-day cycle of positive and negative flow. So when a person’s intuitive biorhythm is at 100%, they are more intuitive and when the biorhythm is -100% they are less intuitive. Zero readings are crossover or transition points.

However, I would say that it is not just intuition that can determine luck in this regard and you have to take other biorhythms into account to arrive at a meaningful measurement. For example, you may have a 100% intuitive biorhythm reading but have negative physical, emotional, and intellectual biorhythms. The effect of these negative biorhythms would be to reduce the positive application of intuition in these areas.

So the best thing to do to predict the type of luck that we describe in this article is to combine the four biorhythm readings, weighted appropriately, to arrive at a luck reading. So why not follow your lucky biorhythms for yourself and see how they work for you, but don’t rely on winning the lottery any time soon?