Most children do not have a real sleep problem and are not predisposed to “bad sleep.” What children develop is a ‘sleep association’ that interferes with their normal sleep cycle. A sleep association can range from being rocked, snuggled, having a drink, or also singing to fall asleep. The child requires this same stimulation when waking up at night, this often requires the intervention of a parent or guardian, thus disturbing her own sleep and the cycle of “no sleep” continues to spiral.

There are several techniques that can be implemented to help children eliminate nighttime awakenings because of many of the associations they develop. It is important to keep a baby or toddler on a daily schedule; what they eat and drink during the day, as well as how much sleep they get and at what time have a major impact on a child’s and parent’s nighttime sleep.

If your child is having trouble sleeping at bedtime or through the night and you are exhausted from lack of sleep, it may be time to contact a sleep consultant. Dawnn Whittaker of Cheeky Chops is a baby sleep and satisfaction consultant who has successfully helped numerous parents resolve bedtime battles with infants and toddlers.

A tip from Dawnn Whittaker: Keep track of how much your child eats, sleeps, and drinks during a 24-hour period, and at what time. Study this information over a period of time and it may help you eliminate night feedings or pinpoint what is causing them.