Are you a “roller coaster”? According to Andy Spencer at Science, coasters are graduate students who don’t think much about what they want to do with their career. They focus instead on simply getting a degree, thinking they’ll be able to figure out what to do with it once they graduate. “Roller coasters” have blind faith that there will be plenty of opportunities for anyone with a PhD and a post-doc.

This is a very dangerous assumption. Mapping out what you want to do and where you want to go in your career stimulates a lot of burning questions about what it will take to get there. As you search for the answers to these questions, you will begin to build a solid foundation of knowledge and contacts. Before you know it, your search for answers will have launched a professional network… and networking is what will open up professional opportunities! Blindly completing your coursework with no idea where you’re headed, on the other hand, won’t get you any closer to a dream job, a dream post-doc, or the person who can help you get it.

If you’re currently a Coaster, start thinking NOW about what you want to do in your “life after grad school.” Focus on doing what YOU want! Find out what kind of research you like and would be interested in doing for the rest of your life. That will not only help you enjoy graduate school that much more, but it will likely play a key role in getting you a permanent position you’ll love.

As you progress through graduate school, the culmination of years of study may force you to consider two paths that diverge in seemingly opposite directions. Should I pursue an “academic” or “non-academic” career?

Just because you’re pursuing a master’s or doctorate doesn’t automatically mean you should become a teacher or ultimately pursue a career in higher education. To help you make a more informed decision or to help you negotiate a better starting salary, take a look at median teacher salaries for 2006-07.

A weak academic job market could encourage you to look beyond the ivory tower. After years of working on his thesis or dissertation, he may come to believe that he is “trained for nothing.” However, you have acquired some marketing skills:

  • Work well independently
  • Manage a large project from start to finish
  • Excellent research and analytical skills.
  • Great professional presentation skills.
  • Excellent ability to multitask
  • However, finding an academic job is not as simple as sending the perfect cover letter along with the perfect resume. Most academic jobs require a resume (rather than a resume), letters of recommendation, writing samples, copies of teaching assessments, transcripts, and sometimes a copy of the syllabus for a course you’ve taught. .

    Academic papers are published in cycles throughout the year, reflecting the resources and schedules of each department. As a result, some of the hottest jobs could be published before the end of the year. So, if you wait until you finish your thesis or dissertation to start your job search, you may have your PhD in hand only to discover that your dream job has already been handed to someone else. He will be devastated to learn that the position was posted early and missed the deadline.

    Be sure to read the December 2005 issue of FinishLine for information on how to better prepare for the academic job market. A “must” is to explore whether academic and professional associations in your discipline maintain job listings; Depending on your current finances, it may be worth paying the Association membership fee if doing so can lead to good job opportunities.

    Also, be a frequent visitor to the following periodic links, which include job listings of interest to academics in all fields. (You can search by state and academic discipline.) Some of these links send daily or weekly updates directly to your email if you sign up with them. Registration is FREE and you can unsubscribe at any time.

    The Chronicle of Higher Education/Career Network

    Higher Education Jobs.Com

    Miscellaneous Issues in Higher Education

    Within higher education


    Nonprofit Career Advice Groups

    If you’re interested in taking the road less traveled by PhDs, consider reading Gaberiela Montell’s article on finding a non-academic job in Chronicle Careers. She provides a list of web resources where she can find useful information and job listings in a variety of alternative careers.