An eight year old boy who loves kites received an Aerobe Wala Glider kite for Christmas. This amazing kite from Flying Wings took on a whole new meaning when it was placed in the hands of Joey, the son of one of our office secretaries. For Joey, his excitement increased when he realized that this new glider kite could fly in zero wind or fly in winds of up to 18 miles per hour. Of course, on Christmas morning, even with no wind at his house in Las Vegas, Joey had to get his dad to set up the kite, and he went out to cull de sac him to launch his yellow kite glider. sparkly. Yes, no wind, and to Joey’s surprise, his new kite actually flew and stayed in the air.

Needless to say, Joey was a hit in the neighborhood and all the kids were impressed with such a fun flying kite, especially since there was no wind. Because his father had installed the kite with the ribs and D-connector at the front of the sail, the Aerobe Wala became a true glider kite and floated through the air with ease.

For winter vacations and family vacations, California and the beach were going to be the family’s destination. Of course, this was great with Joey because he could take his new kite glider and fly with the wind across the ocean. He had his dad help him change the ribs and D-connector on the back of the sail so the kite could fly with the wind. In addition to this, he also attached the colored streamers that would work well with the wind and even add more excitement to the kite as it flew through the air.

Joey was so excited that he couldn’t wait to get to the beach to test his new Aerobe Wala kite in the wind. He couldn’t believe his parents were taking his time and just visiting everyone. He was ready to go, and yet they seemed to be in no rush. What were they thinking? Finally, his family and other relatives of his decided to go down to the beach and stop at the Santa Monica Pier. Joey was now in great spirits, and he happily went ahead with his new kite! As everyone continued to visit and socialize, Joey ran straight to the beach and was ready to fly. The sea breeze and the winds were perfect so the bright yellow glider took off. Joey was so happy to see his colorful kite flying across the beach and against the blue sky that he was gone. As his parents and his family watched and visited, they noticed Joey’s eight-year-old legs moving faster and faster and he was running his kite along the beach. Not wanting to spoil the moment, Joey’s parents also started their running exercise on the beach. It wasn’t long before they realized they had come a long way with Joey and the kite! With the yellow glow of the kite and the streamers flying, they soon realized they had gone straight to Venice Beach! Once again, Joey and his kite were a hit, and everyone took notice of him and his great flying skills.

As the afternoon drew to a close, Joey lowered his kite and, with the nocturnal reluctance of a child, agreed to pack up his kite for the day. His parents assured him there would be other days to fly and Joey once again thanked them for his Christmas kite glider!