A clean house is more than a luxury, it is a necessity. That is correct, a must. We need a clean house (office or desk) for everything it offers us: efficiency and relaxation. Efficiency, because a clean home means you can find what you need when you need it. It also means that you will spend less time worrying and frustrated about the clutter in your home.

A clean house offers relaxation, because clean houses look better, smell better, and feel better, and that’s what relaxes you. A mess everywhere makes us tense. Even the hidden masses worry us. What does it take to have a truly clean home? In a word, discipline. Nobody likes to hear that word anymore, but it’s true.

A clean house requires work, plain and simple. Ironically, the less a house is cleaned, the more work it takes. Yes it’s true. If you don’t stay on top of your house, the house will be on top of you, with papers piled up and trash everywhere, not to mention dirt and grime.

Look around. Does your outer experience reflect the inner experience? What does your house say about you and your life? Now, how do you improve your luck with a clean house? Think of all the “old” and “failed” energy you have in your home.

If you have dust bunnies the size of Great Danes, it’s time to get down to business. Dirt and dust are just as stagnant and stuck. Remember, a routine is just a grave open at both ends. How to get out of your dirty routine? Good old-fashioned elbow grease. Here’s a quick guide to cleaning up your space and getting out of your messy routine.

1. Go to the bathroom.

Why? Dirty bathrooms are an infestation of germs waiting to make you sick. Clean it up and you might feel better or get through cold and flu season unscathed!

2. Face the kitchen.

This is where you eat, so it should be clean. Nothing attracts bugs faster than a dirty kitchen. Aim to give your kitchen a two-hour overhaul. Spend two hours there and really clean – the refrigerator coils, the oven, the floors, the ceilings, the windows, everything.

3. Go to the bedroom.

When you sleep, you are breathing in everything in the room, that is, pet dander, dust, bed mites, whatever. Make sure to clean under the bed, vacuum blinds, and wash curtains, bedspreads, and blankets. Then vacuum, yes, vacuum, the mattress and flip. Ahhh … clean. It feels so good.

4. Create a paper trail.

To the recycling center that is. Haven’t you read that magazine? Then you’re not going to do it, so get rid of it. Perform your own “paperrectomy” and eliminate all that paper that is taking up space.

5. Focus on the corners.

This is where it all shifts to … the corner of the bedroom, the corners of the ceilings. The corners are a magnet for stacks of papers. On the ceiling, the corners attract spider webs. Clean all the corners you have, including the corners of the cabinets.

6. Exit.

Rent a pressure washer and wash the house, sidewalks, patios, and driveways. Pressure washers are the best friends in a home. Think of it as a scrub for your home. You will love your sparkling home.

7. Head to the top.

Clean the top of everything. This includes sideboards, tables, counters, refrigerators, anything with a lid. It also means dusting off the top of the windows, the door trim, and the top of the baseboards. Dust loves to hide on top of things.

8. Steam them.

Once a year, STEAM clean your carpets and upholstery. Why steam? It’s hot and it’s water so it will clean REALLY well without damaging anything or leaving any soap residue. That’s right, soap residue.

Many people clean their carpets or use carpet cleaning products from grocery stores only to find that they need to do it over and over again because carpets get dirty faster and faster.

Hmmmm … a conspiracy? No. Only soap that is left behind. And soap is sticky, right? Well then, that’s where all the dirt comes from – it’s getting stuck in all that soap that’s left from those cleaners. And while you’re at it, throw out all your soap-based carpet cleaners.