You don’t have to fall apart as you get older – it is quite possible to slow down or even slow down the aging process. When we pass the age of 50, our body faces a variety of anatomical and physiological changes. We can reverse or slow these changes through regular physical activity.

Joseph Pilates Thought and Exercises

Joseph Pilates said that “the spine was the key to physical and emotional well-being. Neutral spinal alignment is everything.” He went on to say, “If your spine is stiff at 30, you are old. If it is flexible at 60, you are young.”

Pilates training develops deep core muscles in the back and abdomen to support the spine. Many people, including me, can adhere to his exercise system. It has real health benefits as we age.

He was so ahead of his time. On a global scale, only in the last 25 years have we really taken their ideas into account. Your exercise system is the way forward for older people to enjoy later life. It can transform your overall mobility, strength, and posture into your 80s and beyond.

If you take a look on YouTube at some pictures of Joseph Pilates exercising in his later years, you can only be in awe of his physique and mobility.

Neuromuscular changes

  • Lower testosterone production
  • Loss of muscle, including fast-twitch muscle.
  • Less elastic connective tissues with age

We are at our strongest and most powerful in our thirties. This remains constant until fifty.

After this, we lose about 10 oz. Of muscle mass each year. Around 70, men and women will face a 40% reduction in muscle mass. Sounds scary?

This loss of muscle mass is due in part to lower testosterone production. Muscle loss also includes fast-twitch muscle fibers (muscles used for quick movements). The risk of falls in the elderly is related to this combination of decreased fast-twitch muscle and general muscle loss.

Connective tissue also becomes less elastic with age, which explains why many older people complain of muscle stiffness.

Resistance exercises for older people show sustained or increased muscle strength, elasticity, and muscle mass.

Body composition

As we age, muscle mass decreases while body fat increases. As mentioned above, this decrease in muscle mass is due to lower testosterone production. Because muscle uses more calories than fat, the combination of muscle loss and fat gain slows down your metabolic rate.

Aerobic and resistance training can increase muscle mass. After resistance training, muscles burn fat to rebuild and become stronger. This is where fat loss happens. Using these exercises stops the onset of weight gain as fat.

Diet changes can also improve your body composition during the aging process. A higher protein intake combined with a reduction in carbohydrates will help maintain muscle mass and reduce body fat. Unless you reduce your calorie intake with age, you will naturally gain weight as fat.

Body posture

As we age, our bodies weaken. Known as “kyphosis”, the shoulders are rounded and the head is brought forward.

Weight training or resistance training helps keep the skeletal and muscular systems strong, thus preserving the back in the correct position for good body posture.

He passed

This is the term used to describe how we walk. With age, speed and stride length decrease. The pelvis can tilt and the ankle movement can be reduced.

  • Core strength training keeps your abs strong, which stops the pelvic tilt.
  • Regular mobility exercises maintain good ankle mobility.
  • Moderate aerobic exercise maintains good stride length and frequency.

Being fit and strong from the age of 80 is very doable. The most sensible way to start a fitness program, especially if you are new to training, is to consult a professional gym instructor or personal trainer. They will assess your current state of health and fitness before establishing a training program that is tailored to your needs and yours uniquely. As you gain strength and fitness, your trainer will improve your aerobic and endurance exercises. Don’t worry, your fitness instructor will manage your exercise regimen so it’s always safe and progressive.