A wise woman once told me “don’t believe what is said, just believe what you see”.

I have seen so many articles on divorce and have heard all the opinions about Mr. Divorce Monster. Listening and reading is nothing compared to real life knowledge. From my experience as a divorced woman, I can tell you that most of what you read and hear is not true. I think the reported consequences of divorce are greatly exaggerated, so let me tell you what I have experienced myself.

Let’s go over everything I was told and then I will tell you the reality of each and every one of the claims mentioned. I want to clarify that I will only review the negatives that people were so sure about, I mean, like 100% sure that I will face after the divorce.

1- The husband thief

Let me start with the funniest thing I’ve ever been told: “All your married friends will cut off their relationship with you, they’ll all think you’re going to steal from their husbands!”

No, this didn’t happen at all, my friends are still my friends and none of them ever thought like that. I go to my friends’ houses while their husbands are present and we even travel together. Everything about our friendship didn’t change after I got my new degree. Finally, if any divorced women have experienced this, let me state clearly that it’s your friends’ problem, not yours. If a friend decided to break up with you because you’re single now and she’s terribly scared that her husband might think about you, then she’s probably not sure and it’s her fault, not yours.

2- My options are only limited to losers

They will say “surely you will marry someone who is terrible, who would marry you except a loser, now you are divorced, you are less than any other woman, defected”.

Nerd! I am not less than anyone, maybe I am better than many. What did I do to attract losers and terrible men? that has changed in me. Nothing at all, I’m still the same lady I was before I got married, maybe the divorce made me wise and I can say no to losers.

3- Everyone will use you

They said, “All the men you’ll be dating aren’t going to be planning anything serious, they’re just going to take advantage of you, whether it’s financially or sexually.”

Let me stop here and tell you that single women are like divorcees, they both face the same problem. What can prevent men from benefiting from you is not that they don’t touch you, but that you say no and set your limits.

4- You can not divorce again

My mother once told me, “If you got married again and it didn’t go well, you can never get divorced again, you’ll be doomed to this unhappy marriage forever, you can’t handle the title twice divorced.” “.

Excuse me, why don’t I do this again? Why would I stay in another unhappy marriage? Now I know how to end it and when to end it if necessary. I handled the divorced woman title and I can handle twice as much trouble.

5- You can not raise your children alone

“Your children will be negatively affected, children cannot be raised properly without their biological father.”

No, your children will not be affected if they are loved and understood. She can easily raise them on her own and I think most married women today are solely looking after their children. If you married a loving person, it can be a great substitute for your biological one. Just make sure you pick the right guy this time.


To conclude, if you are so sure of your decision and believe that divorce is the only solution you have, rest assured that there are negative aspects, but life is not so bad after divorce.

Most of the claims you will hear are not real. They may have been legitimate in the past; I mean 20 years ago, but surly they are not valid today.

People now know very well that divorced women are not less than other women. What happened to her is her destiny and no lady wanted her marriage to end in divorce.

You can very well control what others think of you with your personality and attitude. Also, don’t worry about your kids, they’ll be fine, just love them and they’ll be great.

Finally, as we all know, the divorce rate reached 60.7 in the cities according to the CAPMUS 2017 report, which means that each family has a divorce case, each group of friends has 2 or 3 divorced friends. People come into contact with a divorced woman every day and know that she could be her daughter, sister, mother, relative or best friend.