Have you noticed that the more you rush, the slower you go?

The longer you wait, the longer it takes?

The more you worry, the less you dream?

But the more you live, love and laugh, the more you live, love and laugh.


The universe”

So finally, the secret of the Universe is revealed. The more you run towards the money, the more money will run away from you. The more you worry about things in your life, the more of the things you worry about will come true. The more negative you become about situations, the more of these negative situations will occur in your life. So what needs to be done? Well, obviously quite the opposite. Since the definition of insanity clearly stipulates that: “repeating the same things over and over again and expecting different results”, why do people deliberately keep moving towards these same actions in the hope that things will change? Nothing will change unless you start with yourself.

If you seek greatness, it’s time for you to change your focus. Do everything you’ve always wanted to do, as long as it’s safe and legal, and pay attention to the outcome. Focus on what you can change and challenge yourself with things that are out of your control. Work on becoming a better person and stop concentrating on expecting others to do the same. There is no way for that to happen. Then what do you do? Well, it all really depends on you. Learn to live and love and laugh, and the more you do of that, everything else will just be icing on the cake. The more you no longer let things bother you like before, the more you will start to notice changes in your life. Get ready for something great and always remember your struggles, determination and persistence that got you to where you are today.