How is your relationship with money these days? If money could talk, what would it say about you? Have you told him lately that you love him? Is good for you? Or do they take each other for granted, have a love/hate relationship, or maybe pretend to ignore each other?

If you want to change the way money appears in your life, change your relationship with it. By making friends with money, you open yourself up to an abundant flow of money in your life.

Money = Energy

What is money, anyway? It is the same as everything is: energy. That’s it. Period. Nothing complicated, good, bad, right or wrong. It’s just energy. Just like me, you, water, oxygen, everything.

But that’s not what we’ve made up about it, is it? We inherit stories about money that make it seem like a big hairy business. We believe that it is difficult to obtain, we must be careful with it, it is the root of all evil, etc. Listen, money is no different than anything else in the world. When we relax with money, it comes to us as easily as anything else we don’t have a charge over.

For example, I like dogs. They appear to me in abundance (to my utter delight). In fact, just today an ex-boyfriend asked me to bring him his 8 month old golden lab. Do you know why this happens? Because I love dogs, they love me, Universe sits down on me and delivers.

Can you imagine your ex stopping by to dump you some money? Can you visualize him telling you that he has this extra money that he hasn’t been able to manage, the neighbors are complaining, and that he would be a great help and he would be very grateful if you would take that money off his hands?

If you had an easy and abundant story about money, believe me, it would happen.

translated money

What do you have a nice easy story about? Friends? Shoes? Bottled water? Can you imagine feeling the same about money? See if you can spot the difference in how you feel about something abundant in your life compared to money. There is a difference? If there is a difference, this is your wake-up call to change your money environment.

Money flows easily when we change the way we think about it. I think of money like I think of dogs. I love it. Everything is alright. There’s a lot. In fact, many people don’t know how to handle it properly, and naturally find their way to me. I love taking care of it. I never have too much of it. Don’t know what to do with it? Call me. I have a system; I’m connected; I can help.

Can you feel the vibe I’m running on money? It’s as easy as dogs.

take off the load

Now, for those of you who cringed reading the above paragraph because you felt greedy, immoral, or uncomfortable, you might want to check your beliefs about money. There is nothing wrong with money. Life works well when we have it. Would you blame someone for accumulating more than “their share” of postcards? Probably not, huh? Remove the money charge. It’s just energy. There is much for all of us. All we have to do is let it in.

What do you have in abundance? What is easy for you? Translate that feeling into how you feel about money and the green stuff will show up in droves. Change the way you feel about money, and money has to change the way it treats you.