After relaxing and watching sports on TV, masturbation is probably the activity that men like to do the most when they are alone; occasional overindulgence can lead to penile pain, but it is a small price to pay for the pleasure one derives from the activity. Surprisingly, most men tend to engage in a one-handed form of masturbation, despite the easy availability of a second hand for most people. Experimenting with a two-handed approach can be a welcome change of pace for some men and won’t have an impact on the overall health of your penis.

Is it laziness?

Granted, a one-handed approach is more common because it’s easier, it’s convenient, and it’s what most men are accused of. A good session of self-indulgence should be pleasurable. But sometimes that enjoyment is increased by adding a little extra effort. Going through the trouble of wrapping a tool with two hands, instead of one, can add to the experience.


Knowing how to use both hands during a petting session doesn’t require a genius brain. But it doesn’t hurt to go through the basic methods, just to make sure everyone is on the same page here.

  • Standard. This is the two-fist method most men would lean towards. The male wraps one hand around the base of the penis and the other just above the shaft. Unless the man is a particularly well-endowed douche, it’s probably best to wait until the penis is erect to try this; otherwise there probably isn’t enough shaft for it to work. When ready, the man moves his hands rhythmically up and down the length of the penis or keeps his hands still and moves his hips, taking advantage of the tunnel of hands he has created.
  • Hit the game. This is a nice simple variation on the standard. The same method of wrapping both fists around an erect penis is used; however, instead of sliding his fists up and down (or his penis in and out), the man holds his fists in place and squeezes and releases his penis. This can be done quickly or slowly, with whatever degree of adjustment is desired; most men will want to vary both the speed and the tension. Those who are more physically adept can try alternating grips (make the top fist clench while the bottom fist is “loose”, and then vice versa) or alternate how fast or hard you clench each fist – you may have the upper fist around the glans, squeeze hard and fast, while the lower fist squeezes slowly and loosely.
  • back and forth fun. For this version, the man uses both fists but not at the same time. A vigorous upward (or downward) movement of the shaft with one hand is immediately followed by a vigorous upward (or downward) movement of the shaft with the other hand. Speed ​​and tightness can be varied as desired. The sensation caused by alternating grips can be surprisingly exciting.
  • Aladdin’s lamp. Most men masturbate using their fist; this method is palm based. Its name comes from the fact that one rubs one’s penis to cause an orgasm in the same way that Aladdin rubbed his lamp to cause a genie. After achieving an erection, the man places one palm on one side of the glans and one palm on the other; the palms should be stiff and stretched out. The man then moves one hand forward and one hand back, then reverses the process and keeps repeating; By concentrating on the glans, this action can lead to an intense orgasm.

There are other variations, of course, and a man can spend hours experimenting with them. If you do, of course, your penis is going to hurt a bit. Penis pain due to overuse is best taken care of by using a top tier penis vitamin formula. (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Cream ingredients should definitely include vitamin E and a welcome emollient like shea butter, to provide the kind of soothing comfort an overworked penis needs (if satisfied). It also helps to use a cream with acetyl L carnitine, which can help restore any sensitivity that may have been lost during overly aggressive training.