Is your car misbehaving? Acting strange? Then it’s time to get to the bottom of it with this quick checklist of five alternative ways to find the fault in your car!

There are many occasions when our cars may have unusual problems, quirks, or complaints. But of course it is important to judge when they may be unsafe or an indication of something seriously wrong. In these cases, be sure to take your car to a reputable garage for an expert opinion.

But otherwise, if you are interested in solving a minor problem yourself, improve your driving experience and your general knowledge of your car, the five tips below are a great starting point.

1. Keep a record

Problems with our car can be subtle or insignificant at first. It can be difficult to track or understand what triggers and relieves them without paying close attention first. That is why it is important to start recording at the first sign of trouble.

This can include taking note of any unusual burning sounds, sights, or smells, for example, as well as when they happen and what seems to trigger them. You might experience a problem when accelerating, for example, or after a particular type of weather.

Brake or braking problems should be brought directly to an expert or to the garage to ensure the safety of the driver and passengers. But if the car is otherwise running optimally, start keeping your own records.

After a few trips or days, you may be able to see a pattern that gives you a clear indication of what is causing, or aggravating, the problem.

2. Do your own research

Problem solving and problem solving can be fun and rewarding if done sensibly. After realizing and keeping track of your problem, it may be a good time to do your own research.

A good place to start is with your car’s manual. This can often include details that we first overlooked, like what certain warning lights on the dashboard mean, for example, or other issues to be aware of.

The manufacturer’s website can also be helpful, as can general car maintenance and troubleshooting guides. It may not be as quick as simply typing your problem into an online search engine, but you will get answers that are more specific to your car type and save the time of browsing sites that may not be relevant.

3. Ask online

While filtering through information online can be a bit overwhelming, the advantage it has over information presented in print is that it can be easily updated. Researching or inquiring about your problem online is sure to get you the most up-to-date answers, especially if you use the manufacturer’s website or an expert forum.

The questions can be broad and specific, from the longest reach of an electric vehicle to how to change a tire yourself, or even what the future of driving will look like.

When looking for the answer to a detailed problem or question, be as specific as possible; This will help ensure that you are not bombarded with general information. Be picky about trustworthy sources, relying only on reputable websites, and when in doubt, feel free to seek the advice of your workshop.

Then you can proceed to suggestion number 4!

4. Consult an expert

For many drivers, the easiest and most effective way to solve a problem with their car is to go directly to an expert.

Whether your problem is large or small, the most reputable shops will be able to provide you with answers not only on what is causing the problem, but also on how to manage or correct it. If this requires specialized parts, repairs or maintenance, they can give you an estimate and advise you on the best way to proceed.

Through reading and research, you can gain more knowledge and become more capable, but industry experts are always there to help you, too.

5. Get technical!

Whether at home or in a reliable garage, one of the most sophisticated ways to solve a problem with your car is to use specialized or troubleshooting software. The latest diagnostic tools and equipment can read and interpret fault codes from a variety of car makes and models.

Once you’ve successfully identified yourself, you can create a specific strategy and course of action to get back on the road.