There is a conspiracy in the network marketing world right now. The top network marketing companies keep their best secrets from you and don’t share with you how you can find true success using the Internet to build your network marketing business.

You may be able to find one or two who aren’t afraid to share them with you, but the vast majority won’t. They want you to keep struggling by doing everything the “old fashioned” way, leaving you stuck with a monthly autoship and your business simply sucking more money out of you.

Fortunately, I’m here to shed a little light on 5 of the best-kept secrets of the top network marketing companies and how they’re using them to make absolute killing on the internet.

Secret #1: They use social media to market their businesses. Yes, you heard me right. Network marketing companies are popping up on every social networking site out there. Some are even creating their own as a tool to attract new leads. You can do the exact same thing, but you have to be smart about it. Don’t just broadcast your opportunity to everyone. Provide value on social networks and people will start to notice you and see what you have to offer them.

Secret #2 – They’re using Twitter like it’s going out of style. Tweet, tweet, tweet. All the major network marketing companies are doing it, just tweeting left and right. Learn how to do this correctly and you will see a steady stream of new leads coming into your business in a very short period of time.

Secret #3 – You are improving your online marketing tools. It’s no longer enough to provide someone with offline marketing materials. Major companies now have to provide their distributors with online marketing tools if they really want to be successful. If your business isn’t investing in the right online tools, you’re going down on a sinking ship. Find a company that is on the cutting edge and you will see a smooth path.

Secret #4 – They are burning the webs with blogs. If you haven’t started blogging yet, you’re really missing out on one of the most powerful ways to add new leads to your business. Big companies have it figured out, you should too.

Secret #5 – They’re using videos to promote, promote, promote. Video is, right now, the most powerful tool you can use to drive new leads to your business. We are still in the early stages of online video, and YouTube still receives over a billion video views per day. Think if you could get a small part of that traffic. Do you think your business could benefit from it?

Those are just 5 of the secrets that the top network marketing companies are using right now to expand their businesses in the online world. Use any of them for your own network marketing business and you will see better results. If you choose to be a true leader and use them all, you will soon find yourself with more leads than you ever dreamed you could have.