Hooking up with a girl and successfully getting laid in just one night sounds like a total gift to you, right? And you’re probably thinking that it’s too overwhelming for that to happen, right? And that possibly only happens in your dreams, right? Incorrect! Attracting and seducing women is sure to be a big possibility on any given night and believe me, it sounds easier than it looks. You just need a little motivation, a slight tweak to get the attitude right, and possibly a little enlightenment to get you in the right mindset on this one. Below are the five techniques to get her to have sex with you, and make it happen tonight!

  • Stay with her. This is probably the time when you need to be patient with the team for now — you have to build some comfort and trust with a girl if you need her to go to bed with you later. You see, women easily get emotionally and mentally attached to someone they spend so much time connected with. So stay with her and focus on her, she will come, trust me.
  • Keep flirting. Don’t get sidetracked — keep flirting and keep making her feel like you want her. She may be sending you flirt signals back! Women are very prone to body language, so you should focus on this more than just listening to her talk.
  • Get up close and personal. Ask him some personal questions and share something personal about yourself too. You can also literally get close. Decrease the distance and touch her. If you want to go that far, take her hand, wrap an arm around her, or try to kiss her; if it doesn’t move, then it’s fine.
  • Be a little naughty. sexual connotations? Someone? Why not. It will all be worth it anyway. You can say something like that it would be nice to hang out with her at your house, or that you’re really curious about what her apartment is like. However, make sure you are not drinking excessively. She might yell at you outside the bar herself.
  • It’s about the mood. Keep things light and smooth. It’s even better if you stay cool and relaxed throughout the duration of your flirtation. At that point, you will have more confidence to start making out with her soon, and she will marvel at how alpha male you are. Make it happen tonight!

Do you want to become a master when it comes to reading flirting signs? Do you want to know more signs that she is interested in you and even more signs on how to know if she wants to have sex with you? Can you handle the thrill and excitement of my free seduction tips and advice on how to tell if she is sexually attracted to you? Find out more techniques on how to be an expert when it comes to dating and flirting with women by visiting my website right now. You are one click away from everything.