Before I get into the 3 Powerful Lovemaking Techniques, I just want to point out that there are many more techniques that you can use. It’s not very difficult to find, but the techniques you find here will definitely lead you to some memorable and passionate lovemaking sessions and create new ideas as well.

They are not really related to lovemaking positions, because if you do these techniques correctly, the mood will be so powerful that your positions will mean very little (the mood will be intense enough!). Then let’s get started:

Technique 1: Go up to your partner/spouse and just kiss them out of the blue and not just a normal kiss but a passionate kiss that you used to use when you were head over heels in love. What this does is surprise your partner/spouse, but then encourages them to return the favor. But when they want to do that, you trick them into playing hard to get. This buildup will eventually lead to some of the most passionate lovemaking you have ever encountered. It’s all about accumulation.

Technique 2: This also relates to buildup, but add a few more ideas to the mix. You can rent/watch sex tapes, snuggle, play hard to get, and do anything exciting you can think of when you or your partner is in the mood, but the most important part to remember is to keep delaying the urge to make love. This builds up the intensity and emotions again, until they explode.

Remember when you were told not to date a certain person or to practice abstinence and you just wanted more sex? Well, the same idea is related here. At first don’t submit to your emotions, delay them! Then after doing it 3 times or more, let it out and you’re guaranteed to have the time of your life (again)!

Technique 3: This lovemaking technique is more of a sexual moment than an intimate one, but it also works very well. This technique involves you and your partner/spouse making love in a place where it is illegal to do so. But the danger of getting caught creates such an excitement that the thought of breaking the rules excites them both.

Reuse the previous example. When they tell you not to have sex, you want to have more sex! Well, when you try not to have sex in an area where it’s not allowed, it makes you want to do it all the more! I’m not saying do it in public, but in an area considered public where you both put aside your worries of getting caught and just let your emotions run wild!